On what Stock Exchange(s) is Quantum Corporation traded and under what symbol?

Quantum Corporation began trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange on Feb 3, 2020, under the ticker “QMCO.”

When was Quantum Corporation incorporated?

Quantum Corporation was founded in 1980 and reincorporated in Delaware in 1987.

Where is Quantum Corporation located?

Quantum Corporation is located at 224 Airport Parkway, Ste. 550, San Jose, CA 95110. The company has additional offices in Irvine, CA; Englewood, CO; Mendota Heights, MN; Richardson, TX and Bellevue, WA.

When is Quantum Corporation's fiscal year end?

Quantum’s fiscal year end is March 31st.

How can I purchase Quantum’s shares?

Quantum’s shares can be purchased through a brokerage firm or online broker under the symbol “QMCO.”.

Does Quantum pay a dividend on its stock?

Currently, Quantum does not pay a dividend.

Does Quantum have a Direct Stock Purchase Plan?

Not at this time.

What is Quantum’s CUSIP?


Which is Quantum’s Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm?

Grant Thornton LLP

Who is Quantum’s Transfer Agent?

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000
Telephone (Toll-Free) – 877-373-6374

How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

Please contact Quantum’s transfer agent, Computershare.

When and where is Quantum’s next Annual Stockholders' Meeting?

The company typically holds its annual meeting shareholders in august of each year and will announcement the exact date in advance in accordance with SEC regulations.

How do I get added to Quantum’s Email Distribution List?

Please complete the IR Alerts request form on this website.

How can I get a copy of the Annual Report?
A copy of the company’s most recent annual report can be downloaded from this website in the Financial Info section under SEC Filings or by emailing ir@Quantum.com.